Petite is one great little IoC container and components manager. Petite is easy to use since it requires no external configuration; it is incredibly fast, lightweight and super-small; so anyone can quickly grasp how it works. Petite is quite extensible and open for customization; and non-invasive.
Quick Overview
The following bean shows some basic Petite usage:
is Petite bean that defines several injection points, for different depending services from the container. Put this bean in the classpath and let PetiteContainer
find it and register as a bean. Or register it manually if you like that way more.
Why should I use it?
Petite is one of the lightest Java DI container around. Still, it supports sufficient most of features offered by other containers.
Here are the key features:
property, method and constructor injection points.
Instance life-cycle management, ordered initialization methods.
Adding external objects to container.
Wiring external objects with container's context.
Creating objects by container.
Automatic registration: no XML or code needed, just annotations.
Programmatic configuration: using plain Java.
Scopes: Prototype, Singleton and custom scopes.
Thread local scope for thread singletons.
HTTP session scope for session singletons.
Designed to be extended.
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